students by a statue

Year 6 Pupils Visit Stratford-Upon-Avon

Normanhurst School received an invitation to take some Year 6 pupils to Stratford-Upon-Avon to witness their competition-winning school entry being transferred to official Shakespeare Birthplace Trust archives to be stored along various (and very old!) artefacts.

Our pupils attended the centre on the day of the ceremony at the Shakespeare Centre and joined many other pupils from around the UK. They experimented with quill and ink, made wax seals and had opportunities to look very closely at many artefacts, which were up to 900 years old! They also met Marcia Williams who talked to them about how Shakespeare inspires her when she is writing her books.

Our pupils were treated to a tour of Shakespeare’s Birthplace and learnt about the conditions in which people lived. During our visit around the centre, we also spotted the Shakespeare Week posters which were designed by one of our Year 2 pupils (William).

It was a very informative and exciting day that was full of different activities and new experiences for our pupils.